If you happen to be in Athens, Georgia over the holiday, you won’t believe the opportunities to buy amazing items. Many of these places can ship as well, so you can enjoy their artistic wares even if you aren’t actually there. Here are some suggestions.
The Holiday Studio Sale is open at 170 Canady Drive and you can see some of their amazing work here: charlespinckney.com and elizabethbarton.com for examples of work.
Hip Vintage & Handmade opened its doors on December 2. They allow vendors to lease display options from a small shelf or space to a large booth. They will have a new artist showcased every month in their First Friday exhibition. Find more information with: hipvintagehandmade.com.
The local Athens Farmers Market also has a Holiday Craft Markets fair and you can get more details here: athensfarmersmarket.net.
Happy Shopping!